Bou Sâada.
November 28, 1909. 4-6 p.m.
(Note. — You do not come back in any way dazed; it is like going from one room into another. Regained normal consciousness completely and immediately.)
[1] LIN = Cancer, Sagittarius, Scorpio, transliterated into Hebrew is Chassan (Cheth, Samech, Nun) ruler of Air. Also strength. It adds to 118, which is twice 59. 59 = Brethren (referred especially to Lilith and Samael). LIN declares therefore the twins concealed in Heru-Ra-Ha. 118 is also (see Sepher Sephiroth) "to change, pass, renew and to ferment," indicating the formula of Horus. His first formula is that of BABALON, for He is as yet within her womb. But see note on 10th Aethyr regarding Paraoan.
[2] See Equinox VII, p. 231. This table contains the names of the Angels of the seven Planetary spheres: Shabathiel, Tzadquiel, Madimiel, Shemashiel, Nogahel, Kikabiel, and Levaniel. This seven-fold arrangement is of the Sigil of the A∴A∴ = Babalon. (See The Book of Lies, Cap. 49.) And she is the mother of Heru-Ra-Ha.
[3] This angel is in fact Pan. See the 9th Aethyr, unto all hath she borne him.
[4] This "dew" is the supernal Lion-Serpent in his menstruum of liquid pearl. A reference to the IX° O.T.O.
[5] 42 is the number of the Demiurge (See Genesis, I), of the Assessors of the Dead (See any book on Egyptian religion), of the sterile mother Ama (Aleph, Mem, Aleph); of terror and destruction (Beth, Lamed, Heh, Heh), of loss (Beth, Lamed, Yod), of the verb, "to cease" (Chadal — Cheth, Daleth, Lamed) and the 10th Aethyr. (See Equinox VII, pp. 229-243, for the whole symbolism.)
[6] See Equinox VII, pp.99-128.
[7] The solar child develops from the dew.
[8] These violations of normal logic are stigmatic of most of the higher types of spiritual experience. There must be no muddle; that is the usual mistake made by most mystics. Confused thought is the evil and averse image of the one clear light.
[9] The winged egg, the omniform Zero (0) from which all positive manifestation comes.
[10] These are of the table itself, read across or down, instead of diagonally, as is done to obtain the names given in Note 5. See also LXXXIV (page 321), Equinox VII, relative to the Enochian system.
[11] This experience is perfectly clear and definite to the peculiar type of higher consciousness which is aware of it.
[12] Perdurabo, the motto (in the Outer Order of the Golden Dawn) of the Seer. Even that high and holy part of him was, in this samadhi, left far below the true consciousness with the material and intellectual basis of him.
[13] The Seer was in samadhi. The table had been a veil of the infinite.
[14] Form is the conception of the self in extension.
[15] Death is the conception of the self extended; not into the positive balanced cross, but into the negative circle (or sphere) of Nuit.
[16] For Hell, see Liber Aleph, The Book of Wisdom or Folly. Hell is the secret centre of the self. One perceives one's star as one's true self.
[17] The Enochian letter I = Sagittarius. The Rainbow is connected with the sevenfold projection. L (Enochian) = Luna, decreasing in Cancer. Luna, when active, always purifies. It is the passive Moon that may be evil; i.e., when she reflects not the Sun, her Lord, but divers spectres of the night. N (Enochian) = Mars in Scorpio, the type of energy which informs vision. Mars in Taurus would cause action.
[18] The Seer had begun to analyze the conceptions presented to him by the vision. Instantly the internal coherence of its unity was destroyed. The next two phrases show that this is a difficulty peculiar to this vision.
[19] Yod, Aleph, Tau, Vau, Aleph, Yod, Aleph, Resh = the essence of the Yod girt by the Sun's tending inwardly upon it. Resh, Aleph, Yod, Aleph, Resh = 412 = Beth (meaning a house) = the letter Beth attributed to Mercury (the letter Beth being spelled out in full: Beth, Yod, Tau = 412). For ultimately Kether and Sol are not light. Light is a duplex vibration energized by them and is therefore of their messenger, Mercury.
[20] AUMGN. (See explanation in Magick in Theory and Practice, pp. 45-49.)
[21] Ayin = an eye = 70.
[22] The general idea is perhaps this: 70 = Heh, Shin, Heh = Hush!; and Layil = Lamed, Yod, Lamed = Night; and Sod = Samech, Vau, Daleth, the Secret. The glory is so great that it cannot be manifested by any positive means.
[23] Heru-Ra-Ha.
[24] These ideas are complementary; when they combine they produce positive manifestation which covers up the glance of the Eye of Shiva, which annihalates all external existence.
[25] The seven spaces are the Palaces which contain the Sephiroth.
[26] This is the foe of Horus, the dweller of Nile. The winds which crown him are not the pure powers of Air of Libra, but the cloud (mixed) forces of Aquarius, opposite in the Zodiac to Leo, the sign of Horus.
[27] The energy of Horus destroys indeed, but must be withdrawn to complete the work, for his rays, if left in their object, would keep it vitalized. The coherence of the broken matter must be withdrawn.
[28] Harpocrates stands or sits upon the lotus, his fortress against the malice of the water-demon.
[29] Osiris has been chased into Amennti by Horus, who follows him thither, that his reign may be established even in the realms of death. In the New Aeon death is become life triumphant, not through resurrection, but in its own essence.
[30] See Note 29. The Thelemite does not suffer death. He is eternal and perceives himself the Universe, by virtue of the categories of life and death, which are not real but subjective conditions of his perception, like time and space. They are forms of his artistic presentation.
[31] Osiris, tricked into the belief in death, had to overcome it by Magick, the formula IAO.
[32] The Seer has erred, it seems, by translating the doctrine into intelligible symbols. For this is likely to cause a new fall into the barren kingdoms of ratiocination.
[33] ARARITA (a name of God, which is a notariqon of the sentence: "One is His beginning; one is His individuality; His permutation one.") The use of this name and formula is to equate and identify every idea with its opposite; thus being released from the obsession of thinking any one of them as "true" (and therefore binding), one can withdraw oneself from the whole sphere of the Ruach. See Liber 813 vel Ararita, the Holy Books. Contrast each verse of Cap. I with the corresponding verse of Cap. II for the first of these methods. Thus in Cap III (still verse by verse correspondence) the quintessence of the ideas is extracted, and in Cap. IV they have disappeared into the method itself. In Cap. VI they reappear in the form appointed by the will of the adept. Lastly, in Cap. VII they are dissolved, one into the next until all finally disappear in the fire Qadosh, the quintessence of reality.
[34] Those whose analytical methods are incapable of destroying illusion. This insistence on the virtue of the vision is intended to encourage them to make greater effort.
[35] Sat-Chit-Ananda. (Being-Consciousness-Bliss.)
[36] The Sphinx. (See Enochian section, Vol. 4, Golden Dawn.)