قل هو الله أحد
الله الصمد لم يلد
ولم يولد ولم يكن
له كفوا أحد
… un cantique
Allégorique, hébraïque, et mystique.
Except ye become as little children, ye shall in no
wise enter into the kingdom of heaven. —Anon
.333 כלהי מליו דסתימיו לאינוז דעאלז זנפקז זכלא הכי הוא .334 וער השחא הוו מתכסייז אליז מליז דדחילגא לגלאה והשתא אתגלייו .335 וגלי קמי מלנא צתיקא קדישא דהא לא לילרא וילי ודבית אבא צבידנא אלא בגיז דלא עיאול בכסופא קמי פלטרוי צגידגא
——— una scienza Che vuol, la cosa è più perfetta Più senta 'l bene, e cosi la doglienza. Dante.
Ra-asa isalamanu para-di-zododa oi-kari-nu aäü iala-pire-gahe qui-inu enau butamonu od inoasa ni pa-r-diala; kasaremeji ugeare kahilralanu, od zodonake lukifatanu paresa ta vavale-zodirenu tolhami. … Irejila kahis-a da das pa-aotza busada caosago, das kahisa, od ipurano teloahe karekareka ois-alamahe lonukaho od Vovina karebafe? Avé
Owe ni Ifa ipa, Omoran ni imo— Bi a ba wipe mo— Omoran a mo— Nigbati a ko ba mo, A ni, ko se! African proverb
De las cosas mas seguras, mas seguro es duvidar.
Spanish Proverb.
Dianae sumus in fide Puellae et pueri integri Dianam pueri integri Puellaeque canamus. Catullus.
Hy is noch visch, noch vleesch: de wyste van ons allen En weet niet wat hy is: hy kan oock licht ontvallen. Daniel Heinz.
’Αστερες μεν ’μφι χαλαν σελανναν άψ άποχρυπτοισι φαεννον είδος όπποτα πληθοισα μαλιστα λαμπῃ γαν έπι πασαν. Sappho.
उपदेशं हि मुद्राणां यो दत्ते साम्प्रदायिकम | स एव शरी-गुरुः सवामी साक्ष्हादीश्वर एव सः || Hathayoga Pradipika.
Adonai! Thou inmost Δ, Self-glittering image of my soul, Strong lover to thy Bride's desire, Call me and claim me and control! I pray Thee keep the holy tryst Within this ring of Amethyst.
For on mine eyes the golden
Hath dawned; my vigil slew the night.
I saw the image of the One:
I came from darkness into L.V.X.
I pray Thee keep the holy tryst
Within this ring of Amethyst.
I.N.R.I — me crucified, Me slain, interred, arisen, inspire! T.A.R.O. — me glorified, Anointed, fill with frenzied Δ! I pray Thee keep the holy tryst Within this ring of Amethyst.
I eat my flesh: I drink my blood I gird my loins: I journey far: For thou hast shown Ο, +, ע, 777, καμήλον, I pray Thee keep the holy tryst Within this ring of Amethyst.
Prostrate I wait upon Thy will, Mine Angel, for this grace of union. O let this sacrament distil Thy conversation and communion. I pray Thee keep the holy tryst Within this ring of Amethyst.
Capitulum Primum
De Collegio Externo.
[Lola] Virgo Mundi (virgin of the world)
[only one] Adonai
[horse with beautiful wings] Pegasus
[strange creature] Sphinx
[Fairy Prince] V.V.V.V.V (Crowley's motto as a Magister Templi: 'Vi veri universum vivus vici', Through the power of truth I while living have conquered the universe.)
[shield] Sigilla Annuli
I. Cognominis 666 (the name 666)
2. I Ordinis (G.D.)
3. II Ordinis (A.A.)
4. III Ordinis (S.S.)
[poem] Incantatio
[Δ] Fire
[ ] Sun
[L.V.X.] Light
[Ο] the Rose
[+] the Rood
[ע] the Eye
[777] the Sword
[καμήλον] the Silver Star
[he galloped] Advenit Adonai (Adonai arrives)
[house] Regnum Spatii (the realm of space)
[big meadow] Palatium Otz Chaiim (the palace of the Tree of Life)
[snake] Draco חל
[to the door] Ceremonium 0° = 0□ (the ceremony of the 0°)
[Palace] Domus X v. Regnum (kingdom) v. Porta 4 Loci secundum Elementum (4 doors located according to the elements)
[horrid things] Qliphoth
[dark passage] Via ת v. Crux (cross)
[creatures] Cherubim
[house] Domus IX v. Fundamentum (foundation)
[black stone pillar] Yod v. Membrum sancti foederis (member of the covenant)
[another passage] Via ש v. Dens (tooth)
[another passage] Via ר v. Caput (head)
[Third] Domus VIII v. Splendor
[first] Via ק v. Cranium (skull)
[another passage] Via צ v. Hamus (hook)
[third path] Via פ v. Os (mouth)
[malachite and emerald] Domus VII v. Victoria (victory)
Symbola Hodos Chamelionis
Capitulum Secundum
De Collegio ad S. S. porta
Collegii Interni.
[first] Via ע v. Oculum (eye)
[another passage] Via ס v. Sustentaculum (support, prop)
[third path] Via נ v. Piscis (fish)
[Sixth House] Domus VI v. Pulchritudo (beauty)
[Veil] פרכת (Paroketh)
[Treasure House of Gold] Ceremonium 5° = 6⊕
[crawl through] humility
[red board] Supplicium (punishment)
[Bride-chamber] Sepulchrum (sepulcher)
[in the box] Pastos Patris nostri C.R.C.
[walking-stick] Baculum I. Adepti
[cross] Crux Ansata (cross having a handle)
[staff] Pedum et Flagellum Osiridis (foot and flail of Osiris)
[empty] Cur inter mortuous vivum petes? Non est hic ille; resurrexit. (Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here; he rose again.
[light] Advenit L.V.X. sub tribus speciebus (the light comes under three forms)
[changing colours] Symbola Hodos Chamelionis (symbols of the path of the chameleon)
[armed men] Symbola Cladius et Serpens (symbols of defeat and the serpent)
[Mount Abiegnus] Mons Abiegnus v. Cavernarum (caves)
This is his Majesty's favourite Residence. No other genuine. Beware of worthless imitations. Come in here and spend life! Come in here and see the Serpent eat his Tail!
Explicit Capitulum
De Collegio Interno.
[Second] Caput candidum (white head)
[Soon] אמא erit אימא (Ama will be Aima - the mother will be the great productive mother)
[really and truly married] Arcanum de Via Occulta (the secret of the occult way)
[through the first] Via מ v. Aqua (water)
[other passage] Via ל v. Portica stimulans (the gate of urging - Lamed is 'cattle goad')
[Fifth House] Domus V v. Severitas (severity)
[first passage] Via כ v. Pugnus (fist)
[lovely passage] Via י v. Manus (hand)
[third way] Via ט v. Serpens (serpent)
[Fourth House] Domus IV v. Benignitas (mercy)
[was really for] Ratio Naturae Naturatae (the reason nature was created)
[must pay] Adeptum Oportet Rationis Facultatem Regnare (necessary to gain the power to reign)
[This] Gladium, quod omnibus viis custodet portas Otz Chiim (sword, that guards all the ways to the Tree of Life)
[T.A.R.O.] Nomen תרעא
[Fairy Prince] Nomen A D N I (the name of A D N I - Adonai)
[spell it in full] יוד . נון . דלת . אלף
[perfect plan] Cartae Tarot v. Aegyptiorum (the Tarot cards of the Egyptians)
[wide-wake Light] I.N.R.I =
י . ר . נ . י= =
I.A.O. =
[name of my Fairy Prince] L.V.X = LXV (65)
Explicit Opisculum
Capitulo Quarto
De Collegio Summo.
[first passage] Via ח v. Vallum (wall, rampart, enclosure)
[Jehu] Nomen יהוא = 22; 22 x 19 = 418 = Abrahadabra
[The passage] Via ז v. Gladium (sword)
[have to leave] Via quae non est Vaginae Quinque Animae (a way that is not the Sheaths of the Five Souls)
[Third House] Domus III v. Intellectio (understanding)
[only as clothes] Abest Egoitas (it is individuality)
[kind of you] Ego est Non-ego Puerperium (I is not-I [through] childbirth)
[new sun] Partus (childbirth)
[struggle] Vita Adepti (life obtained/gained)
[Hierophant] Via ו v. Clavus (nail)
[Mighty Ruler] Via ה v. Fenestra (window [note that this retains the old assignation of Emperor to Heh])
[Queen of Love] Via ד v. Porta (door)
[he is joined] Via ג v. Camelus (camel)
[I always go] Via ב v. Domus (house)
[most mysterious passage] Via א v. Bos (ox)
[second House] Domus II v. Sapienta (wisdom)
[First House] Domus I v. Corona Summa (crown of all)
[Qu'ran] Say: He is God, the One and Only; God, the Eternal, Absolute; he does not beget, nor is He begotten; and there is none comparable to Him.
[Parny] … a song allegorical, Hebraic, and mystical.
Évariste de Parny, La Guerre des Dieux
[Anon] Matthew 18:3
[Idra Suta VIII] 333. All are words of hidden meaning for those who have entered in and departed thence, and so are they all.
334. And those words have hereunto been concealed; therefore have I feared to reveal the same, but now they are revealed.
335. And I reveal them in the presence of the Most Holy Ancient King, for not for mine own glory, nor for the glory of my Father's house, do I this; but I do this that I may not enter in ashamed before His palaces.
[Dante] …a science
Which wills, that as the thing more perfect is,
The more it feels of pleasure and of pain.
[Avé] From The Seventh Enochian Key:
The East is a house of Virgins singing praises among the flames of first glory wherein the Lord hath opened his mouth; and they are become as 28 living dwellings in whom the strength of man rejoiceth; and they are apparelled with ornaments of brightness, such as work wonders on all creatures.
From The Eighth Key:
How many are there which remain in the Glory of the Earth, which are, and shall not see Death until the House fall and the Dragon sink?
[African proverb] Ifa speaks always in parables,
A wise man is he who understands his speech—
When we say understand it—
The wise man always understands it—
But when we do not understand it,
We say it is of no account or the prediction is not fulfilled.
[Spanish Proverb] Of the things most sure, the most sure is doubt.
[Catullus] We girls and chaste boys
are lieges of Diana.
Diana let us sing,
chaste boys and girls.
[Jesus Christ] Excerpt from a Gnostic text 'The Book of The Grand Words of Each Mystery' found in Florence Farr's Egyptian Magic: Essays On The Nature and Applications of Magical Practices in Pharaonic and Ptolemaic Egypt (1896)
[Daniel Heinz] 'Tis neither fish nor flesh: the wisest of us all wots not what it is: and it can escape very easily.
[Tao Teh King] [The Tao's] admirable words can purchase honor; [its] admirable deeds can raise their performer above others.
[Sappho] Stars around the lovely moon
hide, hide back their shining light
when she is full and most shines
over the (whole) earth.
[Hathayoga Pradipika] He is really the guru and to be considered as Îśvara in human form who teaches the Mudrâs as handed down from guru to guru.