Adonai! Thou inmost Δ, Self-glittering image of my soul, Strong lover to thy Bride's desire, Call me and claim me and control! I pray Thee keep the holy tryst Within this ring of Amethyst.
For on mine eyes the golden
Hath dawned; my vigil slew the night.
I saw the image of the One:
I came from darkness into L.V.X.
I pray Thee keep the holy tryst
Within this ring of Amethyst.
I.N.R.I — me crucified, Me slain, interred, arisen, inspire! T.A.R.O. — me glorified, Anointed, fill with frenzied Δ! I pray Thee keep the holy tryst Within this ring of Amethyst.
I eat my flesh: I drink my blood I gird my loins: I journey far: For thou hast shown Ο, +, ע, 777, καμήλον, I pray Thee keep the holy tryst Within this ring of Amethyst.
Prostrate I wait upon Thy will, Mine Angel, for this grace of union. O let this sacrament distil Thy conversation and communion. I pray Thee keep the holy tryst Within this ring of Amethyst.
Capitulum Primum
De Collegio Externo.
[Lola] Virgo Mundi (virgin of the world)
[only one] Adonai
[horse with beautiful wings] Pegasus
[strange creature] Sphinx
[Fairy Prince] V.V.V.V.V (Crowley's motto as a Magister Templi: 'Vi veri universum vivus vici', Through the power of truth I while living have conquered the universe.)
[shield] Sigilla Annuli
I. Cognominis 666 (the name 666)
2. I Ordinis (G.D.)
3. II Ordinis (A.A.)
4. III Ordinis (S.S.)
[poem] Incantatio
[Δ] Fire
[ ] Sun
[L.V.X.] Light
[Ο] the Rose
[+] the Rood
[ע] the Eye
[777] the Sword
[καμήλον] the Silver Star
[he galloped] Advenit Adonai (Adonai arrives)
[house] Regnum Spatii (the realm of space)
[big meadow] Palatium Otz Chaiim (the palace of the Tree of Life)
[snake] Draco חל
[to the door] Ceremonium 0° = 0□ (the ceremony of the 0°)
[Palace] Domus X v. Regnum (kingdom) v. Porta 4 Loci secundum Elementum (4 doors located according to the elements)
[horrid things] Qliphoth
[dark passage] Via ת v. Crux (cross)
[creatures] Cherubim
[house] Domus IX v. Fundamentum (foundation)
[black stone pillar] Yod v. Membrum sancti foederis (member of the covenant)
[another passage] Via ש v. Dens (tooth)
[another passage] Via ר v. Caput (head)
[Third] Domus VIII v. Splendor
[first] Via ק v. Cranium (skull)
[another passage] Via צ v. Hamus (hook)
[third path] Via פ v. Os (mouth)
[malachite and emerald] Domus VII v. Victoria (victory)