The word ARARITA (אראריתא) is notariqon for the Hebrew phrase "Achad Rosh Achdotho Rosh Ichudo Temurato Achad", which means "One is His Beginning; One is His Individuality; His Permutation is One."
אחד ראש אחדותו ראש יחודו תמורתו אחד
Note: Every source I find claims that the English translation given above is what these words mean. I disagree. Instead, I say these words translate differently, something like "One is the beginning of his unity, the beginning of his uniqueness; his permutation is one."
The individual words:
- אחד: one.
- ראש: head, chief, start.
- אחדותו: his unity, his oneness.
- יחודו: his uniqueness.
- תמורתו: his permutation.