The Star Ruby

The Ritual

  1. Facing East, in the centre, draw deep deep deep thy breath closing thy mouth with thy right forefinger prest against thy lower lip. Then dashing down the hand with a great sweep back and out, expelling forcibly thy breath, cry ΑΠΟ, ΠΑΝΤΟΣ ΚΑΚΟΔΑΙΜΟΝΟΣ[1]
  2. With the same forefinger touch thy forehead, and say ΣΟΙ[2],
    thy member, and say Ο ΦΑΛΛΗ[3], [The secret sense of these words is to be sought in the numeration thereof.],
    thy right shoulder, and say ΙΣΞΥΡΟΣ[4],
    thy left shoulder, and say ΕΥΞΑΡΙΣΤΟΣ[5];
    then clasp thine hands, locking the fingers, and cry ΙΑΩ[6].
  3. Advance to the East. Imagine strongly a Pentagram, aright, in thy forehead. Drawing the hands to the eyes, fling it forth, making the sign of Horus and roar ΘΕΡΙΟΝ[7]. Retire thine hand in the sign of Hoor-paar-Kraat.
  4. Go round to the North and repeat; but say NUIT.
  5. Go round to the West and repeat; but whisper BABALON.
  6. Go round to the South and repeat; but bellow HADIT.
  7. Completing the circle widdershins, retire to the centre and raise thy voice in the Paian, with these words, ΙΩ ΠΑΝ, with the signs of N.O.X..
  8. Extend the arms in the form of a Tau and say low but clear:


  9. Repeat the Cross Qabalistic, as above, and end as thou didst begin.

Crowley's Notes

From The Book of Lies: 25 is the square of 5, and the Pentagram has the red colour of Geburah.

The chapter is a new and more elaborate version of the Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

It would be improper to comment further upon an official ritual of the A∴A∴

Soror Marfiza's Notes

Crowley's suggestion of impropriety to the contrary, a few more comments.

The Iunges, Teletarchai, Sunoches, and Daimones could be considered angelic beings of the Neo-Platonist magico-religious system; they are mentioned in the Chaldean Oracles (wrongly attributed to Zoroaster, who died a thousand years before the Oracles were written).

Iunges comes from the Greek word "Iunx," which is a type of bird called a "wryneck." According to the dictionary: "used as a charm to recover unfaithful lovers, being bound to a revolving wheel." rf. Xenophon and Theocritus." Another definition from that same entry: "Metaphorically, a spell, charm, passionate yearning for...cited generally, and in Aeschylus." Finally, "In plural, the name of certain 'Chaldaic' divinities."

Teletarchai comes from the Greek words telete, or "rite" (especially, of initiation into the mysteries), and archon/archai, which means "lord" or "leader". "An order of divine beings who bring initial and final terms into relation."

Sunocheis is the plural of "sunochos," which means "joined together." Metaphorically, it has the meaning of "agreeing with" or "suiting." It also has the meaning of "a narrow passage in the road" which in the New Testament comes to mean "constraint, affliction, anguish."

Daimon is a deity or divine power; also one's personal destiny. Later, it came to mean the souls of the departed, which linked the gods and men.


[1] Apo, pantos kakodaimonos, Away, every evil spirit!

[2] Soi, unto you

[3] O Phalle, O Phallus

[4] Ischuros, strength

[5] Eucharistos, eucharist (thanksgiving)

[6] IAO

[7] Therion, beast

[8] Pro mou Iunges, before me Iunges

[9] Opistho mou Teletarchai, behind me Teletarchai

[10] Epi dexia Sunoches, Upon my right Sunoches

[11] Eparistera Daimones, upon my left Daimons

[12] Phlegei gar peri mou ho aster ton pente, about me flames the star of five

[13] Kai en tei stele ho aster ton hex esteke, and in the column stands the star of six

Pro mou Iunges: before me, Iunges

Opistho mou Teletarchai: behind me, Teletarchai

Epi dexia Sunoches: on my right, Sunoches

Eparistera Daimones: on my left, Daimons

Flegei gar peri mou ho aster ton pente: burns about me the star of five

Kae en tei stelei ho aster ton hex esteche: and in the column the star of six stands

Soi: Unto you

O phalle: O Phallus

Ischuros: Strength

Eucharistos: Eucharist (thanksgiving)

Therion: Beast

IAO. For some elucidation on the significance of IAO, you can look at the Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram.

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